- Promotion is valid from 11 November 2024 to 31 January 2025.
- Payment must be made with a Maybank Credit or Debit Card.
- Appointments must be made in advance subject to availability
- Applicable to Singaporeans, PRs and Employment Pass Holders, aged 21 years and above.
- Strictly first-time clients of Atos Wellness and its associate companies; one service redemption per customer.
- Only persons aged 18 years and above shall be permitted to enter and remain in our establishment in accordance with the licensing regulations.
- Clients are to arrive 15 mins before the scheduled treatment time.
- For the interest of clients with certain medical conditions, selected therapies may not be recommended.
- Other studio terms and conditions apply.
- The Management reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions without prior notice.
- Maybank and Atos Wellness Pte Ltd make no warranty or representation as to the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the goods and/or services. Maybank and Atos Wellness Pte Ltd shall not at any time be liable for any loss, injury, claim or damage suffered or incurred as a result of the use of the goods and/or services provided.
- Maybank Terms and Conditions for the relevant Maybank Credit or Debit Card and Maybank TREATS General Terms and Conditions apply
Maybank TREATS General Terms and Conditions apply.